©2016-2018. All rights reserved.
LunkerTrunk Fishing.

How it Works

How much does it cost?

LunkerTrunk membership costs $62.00 CDN per year which includes access to the Daily Lunker Challenge and a LunkerTrunk Membership kit. This kit includes tackle samples from our great sponsors, decals and a photo token.

Daily Lunker

The Daily Lunker is a year round challenge that is included in your LunkerTrunk membership. Each province or state will feature winning anglers from that region who caught the Lunker of the day for various species. Each Daily Lunker win counts as 1 point toward the season standings and your overall rank among anglers throughout North America. Which ever anglers in each region accumulate the most Daily Lunker wins in a season, will become the season Champion for that region and win a Bounty Jackpot. The Jackpot is based on the total number of members in that region.

Online Challenges

Each day LunkerTrunk will post a new Challenge. Anglers are allowed to fish anywhere within their region at anytime within the challenge hours in order to compete. Photos of each catch are uploaded and go through a Catch Authentication process. Please see the complete Rules & Guidelines for more information on Catch Authentication.

Each Challenge will feature a tackle product or service which is included with the entry fee. These items are added to the LunkerTrunk BalmoBox which is shipped out to members at the end of every month. The more challenges you enter the more tackle you get every month!

Bounty Classifieds

The Bounty Classfieds is a completely new and fun way to buy and sell anything. As a seller, rather then post your ad on facebook or craigslist and get haggled. Post your item for bounty and let anglers compete for it. This ensures as a seller you get your asking price or better. As a buyer/angler you have a chance purchase the item super cheap as well as win cash at the same time.

Trunk Car Service

LunkerTrunk's Car Service is more than just a tackle store on wheels. It travels throughout a region hosting and fishing in real-world events while making deliveries.

Currently LunkerTrunk's car service is only available in Nova Scotia, Canada. We are developing a full scale system to manage the logitics involved with expanding to service areas throughout North America. This will be a franchise opportunity and more information will become available as we progress. If you are interesting in starting a trunk in your area please contact fleet@lunkertrunk.com